Monday, November 3, 2008

They are the first photos by my new camera.

I took this photo in a bus when I was going back to home, so the quality of the photo is quite bad, but I like this kind of scenery.
I don't need explaining it because it's one of the famous ladmarks.
It was a sunny day and the sky was fabulous.
Tragalgar Square is really a gorgeous place.

It was impression sunshine.

I took a photo toward River Thames.

A small street which is near River Thames was impression especially at the day becuase of the strong sunshine.
I tested my new camera after I'd got it at Heathrow airport, so the time was quite early. It was between 9o'clock and 11o'clock, so I could look around comfortably the inactive street with my new camera. There is normally incredible busy, but I've taken photos comfortably because it was in morning. I walked from Leicester Square to River Thames. It was really an interesting way. The weather was perfect to take photos and my lovely new buddy was also perfect to catch the scenery. I estimated it after I'd taken photos like that, in personal, one of the best advantages is the clear photo. Compact cameras normally have a lot of noise, but this is depressed the noise. It was really fantastic because the qualities of photos are similar to cheap DSLRs like my stolen camera. Many people said the designs of Fujis are horrible, but that's ok for me. I'm satisfied with almost all functions, but it's quite difficult to control zooming and it doesn't have manual mode to control all functions by myself. That's not big problems to use it because it is really a good stuff.

Anyway I really thank my father and my mother.